Our Councillors
Liberal Democrat Councillors at Rother District Council Offices

Our County Councillor
Kathryn Field
Kathryn Field is the constituency's only Liberal Democrat County Councillor.She has represented Battle and Crowhurst Division on East Sussex County Council for many years and sits on many committees.

Our Rother District Councillors
I have always been passionate about working for the community. I retired to Ticehurst nine years ago following a successful career in the Civil Service. There I learned about communication, partnership working, and managing change. I have served as a Ticehurst Parish councillor for the past six years and helped write the Neighbourhood Plan. At the onset of Covid I helped establish the Vaccination Centre at Flimwell, organising the wonderful team of volunteer helpers. I have also served as Chair of Ticehurst Community of Friends.
I am a keen supporter of lifelong learning, gaining a BSc from the Open University and then an MA whilst still working. I have served as a school governor for six years.

I became a Councillor in 1989. Such a long time ago and so many changes since then. I first stood as a Lib Dem because they had such strong green policies. Since then I have campaigned for Lib Dem policies, such as the principle that the best decisions are made at the most local level involving those residents who are most affected. Decision making should also be open and accountable. I with colleagues have campaigned for a Town Council for Bexhill, for the right of the public to speak at Planning Meetings, the recording of council meetings and other ways of involving residents.
01580 881309

I was elected to East Sussex County Council in 1992 representing Battle, Catsfield, Crowhurst, Mountfield, Whatlington, Ashburnham and Penhurst. I am a former Chair of Highways and Transportation, Chair of Education and Lead Member for Transport. I have also Chaired Action in Rural Sussex and South East Rural Community Councils.
I was elected to Rother District Council in 2007 to represent Battle Town Ward. Boundary changes mean that my ward is now North Battle, Netherfield and Whatlington. As part of the previous Alliance Administration I was a Cabinet Member with responsibility for Transport and Environment. In September I proposed the Alliance motion to declare a Climate Emergency in Rother and I am looking forward to helping to develop policies to make the District Carbon Neutral by 2030. This will be a real challenge but the work is essential if we are to preserve the planet for future generations.

I have lived in the same property in Battle with my husband Ron for 42 years. In that time, I have grown to love the town and the people that live in it. believe in the spirit of community life, bringing together all generations. I am a Christian who cares deeply about providing a lasting legacy for our young people in the town, by supporting affordable housing for our youngsters enabling them to stay in the town in which they grew up. I am also an avid public transport user and will work towards more improved services in addition to those already carried out. I am passionate (almost obsessive) about refusing plastic, reducing waste and reusing before recycling, and would campaign for more local roadside mixed-use bins to offer recycling rubbish.
As a councillor on Rother District Council, I served on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and was involved in the call for climate change. I am also a councillor for the Marley ward on Battle Town Council and am immensely proud to be the current Mayor. I chair the Environment committee and serve on the Town Development and External Relations Committee with particular interest in Battle heritage and town events. I am a member of St Mary's Church, where I serve as a Lay minister for communion. In my role as the leader of the Mothers' Union, I facilitate the Busy Bee carers and toddler group. I have been involved in Girl guiding in Battle since 1978 and am known by many as Brown Owl. I have twice been awarded the Battle Community Award.
01424 773720

I moved to Bexhill when I married, 26 years ago, and I love the town and have always been a strong supporter of the move for a Town Council.
My main careers have been as an English teacher in secondary schools and as a Counsellor/Psychotherapist.
I have always been a campaigner, concentrating on helping children with special needs, and education and NHS funding.
Since being elected to represent St Stephens ward in May 2019 I have served on the Planning Committee, the Audit & Standards Committee, the Community Governance Review Steering group, the Licensing and General Purposes Committee, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Leisure Centre Steering group..
I was also the Cycling and Walking Champion for Rother District.

I have lived in Crowhurst for over fifty years and my wife Carol's family has lived here for five generations. I have always been an active member of the community. I was on the Parish Council for over 30 years, several as Chair, during which time I had many dealings with Chairs of other local parishes. I was part of the Steering Group that set up Pebsham Country Park (now Combe Valley CP), Chair of the Recreation Ground Committee, and involved with ESCC in using landscape design to minimise the impact of the Link Road. I played a small part in developing the excellent Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan and fully support the work of the Crowhurst Environment Group. For many years I played for the village cricket and football teams, and I was also involved with the Drama Club.
I worked mainly in sales management in the retail motor industry but did also work for a while on a local farm. This together with my community activities means that I have a good understanding of the issues affecting small rural communities, as well as a very broad range of contacts across the Ward.

I was elected as a Rother District Councillor on 2nd May 2019.
For almost 20 years I have lived in Fairlight with my partner Carol. Until May 2019 I served on the Fairlight Parish Council, Chairing it for nearly five years. I was instrumental in setting up a formal Fairlight Parish Council Planning Committee and I chaired the Design Standards Working Group as part of Fairlight's Neighbourhood Plan. (Sadly the Plan had to be abandoned due to being overtaken by events at Wakeham's Farm.)
During my time as Chair I and the Parish Council supported the village's successful efforts to press Rother District Council to build two sets of sea and landslip defences at Fairlight.
Prior to joining the Parish Council I was Chair of the Fairlight Residents' Association for four years. During that time I represented the Parish Council, The Residents' Association and the Preservation Trust at the 2005 Public Inquiry into Rother's Local Plan.
I am a member of the Fairlight Players' Committee, helping with sound effects. In my spare time I play tennis and try my hand at some very bad amateur art.
I am a qualified lawyer. I worked in the Government Legal Service and am now retired.
Facebook: Cllr Andrew Mier

Our Wealden District Councillors
Mark lives in Westham, a former science teacher, he is now working on the National Tutoring Programme helping students catch up after the pandemic. He is married. His son attended Pevensey and Westham primary and goes to a local secondary school. An active community and environmental campaigner with an interest in planning issues, Mark is a Westham Parish Councillor.
Mark has been involved in community affairs for very nearly 50 years in a wide variety of roles. He has an active interest in a wide range of environmental matters. This led Mark into active involvement with a number of planning issues and to become a Westham Parish Councillor.

Paul is a retired university lecturer, a professional economist and former local government councillor in both a rural and an urban authority, he has been centrally involved in delivering budgets, and guiding development plans.