INSIGHT - Bexhill Northeye Update

So far as we Liberal Democrats here in Bexhill can see not much has happened since September last year. The Government in a response to a Freedom of Information question, have indicated they purchased the site without completing all necessary environmental inquiries, certainly not the way any prudent purchaser of land and buildings should act.
In November details were revealed of the purchase price paid by the Government from a secretive commercial organisation called Brockwell Group Bexhill LLP. (controlled through several shell companies by financier Peter Klimt and Nadia Isaacs, a London dentist).
This enterprise had paid the UAE government £6.31 million for the whole site in August 2022. 13 months later the Government in handing over £15.3 million, handed this Brockwell enterprise a tidy profit of nearly £9 million in just over a year.
And what had they done to earn such an enormous profit? Absolutely nothing. It would be interesting to see what wheeze this group may have employed to minimise any tax due on the profit made at the expense of us all as taxpayers.
All we have is the promise of a meeting with our local MP Huw Merriman on Friday 26th January 2024.
Stephen Hardy MBE.